Thursday, May 22, 2008

Home sweet home

We did it. We moved. All of our earthly possessions are no longer busting out of our tiny house in Wood Village. Now they're busting out of boxes in the garage of our new house in Gresham.

In totally un-Ang style, I'm going to spare you some details of the move and just say that we are EXHAUSTED. And horribly grateful for everyone who has helped! But as exhausted as we were the day that every last box, bin, and bag physically traveled to our new location, the work was only just beginning. I've never been a neat freak, but knowing there's approximately 7.2 million things I could be doing besides watching the American Idol finale (David Cook rules) has been harder for me than I thought it would be. I guess I just want to be settled. And find a matching pair of shoes.The boys seem to be adjusting very well. They were waking up earlier because of the glaring sun rising directly in front of their window, but in an exhausted stupor, I nailed a blanket to the wall to cover the window a few nights ago in an effort to save some sleep and sanity (I'm headed to Ikea today for curtains, don't worry I'm not quite that bad at interior design). So instead of waking up whiney at 6:15am like they had been doing, they've slept until 7:45 and 8 the last 2 mornings.

We're loving the house. Know what my 2 new favorite words are? PLAY and ROOM. The fact that I'm not tripping over balls and sliding around the kitchen on seventy-eight Hot Wheels has been simply marvelous. And fact that I can simply close the door to this Toy Wonderland if anyone stops by makes me deliriously happy. Do you think the boys have made themselves at home yet?I'll show more pictures in the days, weeks, months and years to come (we're not moving again. EVER.) but you may just want to stop by and see it for yourself! Our phone number has changed along with our address, so email me if you need the updated stats.

I've stalled long enough. A never ending pile of boxes are waiting to be unpacked. So I guess there's just one thing left to say. Welcome home, Stump family....welcome home.


Marla Taviano said...

I'll give you a few months to get settled, then I'll hop on over.

We've moved 10 times in 10 years of marriage. I don't want to move again ever either.

Congrats on your new home and Rugrat Room!

Faith said...

I am so incredibly sad that I haven't seen your house yet. I am sorry it hasn't worked out yet for me to help. Soon my friend soon. Call if you need anything!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congrats Stump family:)
Let me know when you are up for a playdate!

Jenne said...

AFter that last line you wrote, all I can hear in my head right now is "Move That Bus!!"

I am glad you are in and can get for-reals settled in. Have you had this moment yet? It goes like this:

Ryan: I am looking for the ___ have you seen it?
Me: not since we moved. Where would we have put it here, in the new house? I can tell you one thing, I know JUST where it is in the old house.
And then I try and invent ways that I could defy time and space to go back and "just grab it."

Tricia Swift said...

congrats on your new house! it looks so nice. let me now when your up visiters and we will come by!

Marla Taviano said...

Um, are you unpacked yet? Ready to post again?

Jola3000 said...

congratulations with moving to a new home. I moved 5 times during last 8 years and now moving to London. But before I had to move all my stuff to the parent's attic (and i was exhuasted) and I am having 3 temporal places before I take off to UK.
Loved seeing your blog!!!
Love, Jolanta