And now this muliple choice question: Is this price tag A. a typo, or B. evidence that I am the best bargain shopper in the history of the world?

Do you like that I'm ignoring the fact that it's been over a month since I've blogged? I promise I'll give you more of an update (and tons more pictures) soon. Or relatively soon. I swear.
Wait... give me a minute because I think I know the first one...
1. Dan
2. You're totally a celebrity.
3. YES, I definitely want to come to Oregon!! Thinking, plotting, planning...
Hugs for your Tuesday, friend!
What clothing in the world originally cost $1200??? Is that a typo?
It's a cute shirt, but unless it was stiched from solid gold thread, (that was suspiciously dyed a charcoal gray color) I'm pretty sure it was a typo. But I'm also pretty sure I will not let anyone forget that I might have saved our clothing budget $1192.01.
Aeresol hairspray works great on marker. I took out black felt tip pin years ago when the back of my couch was a canvas for a budding artist I was babysitting.
Mickie Bush
Love your blog!
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