Your intense love for life has inspired me. Your intense love for ketchup has both amused and frightened me. Your inability to let anything stop you from getting what you want is both frustrating and admirable. I love the dimple on your left cheek when you flash a cheesy grin. I love watching you dance at any commercial with a tune. I love that you're trying to potty train yourself right now (even if it means taking off your diaper to poop directly on your bed and the floor, at least you know not to go in your pants anymore.) I love hearing you talk in complete sentences (even if it's "No, mommy, I do it," or "I need more ketchup right now.") I love that every morning you need to "sit mommy on couch for a minute" and we cuddle until you're awake enough to reek your usual havoc. I love that our fish tank has a trillion tiny hand prints on it 3 seconds after I wipe it down. I think listening to you talk to yourself is one of the funniest things I've ever experienced.

I think you have the best belly laugh I've ever heard.
I think you are fearfully and wonderfully made. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. I can't wait to see all the wonderful things He will accomplish in and through you. I'm so thankful his plans for me included you. I couldn't love you more!
We had a birthday breakfast this morning of Starbucks hot chocolate and donuts and coffee cake. My "hot chocolate" was actually a gallon of coffee because I worked until 2:30am last night, even though I was only scheduled until 11pm, but that's beside the point. At least now we have some extra money that will go straight into the college fund. Ok, let's be honest...the ketchup fund has a more immediate need.

Happy birthday to my sweet, mischievous miracle. I'm so proud to be your mommy.
well said. happy bday ty!
Oh Ty, the silent killer... I love you Beebsy!!!
Ty, thanks for coming to my party. I guess this makes up for missing my first birthday party. Being born wasn't the best excuse, but I forgive you.
Go March 10th.
Hard to believe the little bruiser is already two.
Happy Birthday, Ty! That last pic is sooooo precious!
Happy numero dos, Ty! We love watching you grow.
Love you,
Uncle Frian and Aunt Emmie
Life is changing it's crazy. And I would love to get together soon and catch up. Life is pretty crazy and busy, and I know the same goes for you. We will have to find a time here soon that we can meet for coffee!
Oops I am late! Happy Birthday Mr Tyler!
I cried, especially at last picture. That's award winning. And heart touching. I love you and your fam.
Dad, 2nd attempt, sorry if duplicate
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