I'm reluctant to even start writing because I really don't want to relive any of these last 2 weeks, but I'll give you a small window into our world, like the title of our blog always promises. But I'm not going to like it. You can't make me. I'll start with the negatives and end with the positives, so then we'll all realize that life is indeed good, like I wrote at the end of my last post (which seemingly jinxed my family for 2 weeks, sorry guys.)
I just wrote about 89 paragraphs and my eyes were crossing from reading my own melodrama, so I'm deleting it and going to condense it. For those of you who really want the full version, call me in a few weeks when I've collected myself.
Housesitting for my parents the last 2 1/2 weeks, left our house clean for people to come look at, people didn't come. So frustrating. Living out of suitcases, forgot 290 things. Sunday March 23 I went to work, didn't come home for days on end. Dan played Mr. Mom, neither of us wants to switch roles. Ever again. Exhausted working that many hours (but overtime pay was nice), Dan exhausted by our children. 3 1/2 and 2, enough said. Did it seriously snow over Spring Break? Yes, yes it did. So much for outdoor diversions. Thursday night March 27th Ty threw up in the car all over himself. Hosed off him and the carseat, went to work and hosed off a drunk who'd urinated all over himself while screaming profanities at me. Ty's vomit stopped until Monday morning March 30th, pile of it on my parents bed and on Felix's legs. More piles of vomit and explosions out the diaper for 2 days and 2 nights. Had to give him a shot. Poor guy. Poor laundry. Pure exhaustion. No vomit for 1 day, Dan throws up Wednesday night. Ty wakes up vomit free but snot filled, has been whining continually since last week. Never did I agree with his shirt's message more (and yes, I did buy it for him):

Tuesday night (wee hours of Wednesday morning) while I was at the hospital working, my friend Natalie had a baby boy upstairs, and I got to see him just hours after the birth. Caleb, you are beautiful, and you are so loved!
Yesterday, April 3 was my sister Karina's 29th birthday. I'm so glad I got to grow up with you, big sis. And I'm so glad we're getting to share our adult lives together as the greatest of friends. I love you J.!
And finally, early this morning Dan's cousin Kim had twins! Olivia and Jackson have two big brothers, and altough I'm dizzy with the thought of four kids under age 4, I know they can do it! Healthy mom and healthy babies, even though they had to come a bit early.
Lots of babies, huh? Lots of blessings. Congratulations all you mommies and daddies! And thank you, God, for reminding me even as I write that you are bigger than my problems. In fact, my problems aren't even big. But you care, nonetheless. Every good and perfect gift comes from you.
But if I may be so bold, I'm praying my perfect gifts will be vomit free very very soon.
SO sorry Ang! What a Zoo..hope your family (esp you) stays vomit free!
Looking forward to the details...
When I asked you to blog again, that's not what I meant. I was thinking something sweet. Chirping birds and bouquets of daisies maybe.
I'm so sorry about your crappy/vomit-y fortnight. (that means 2 weeks, right? if not, please disregard.)
Hugs to you from 3/4 of the way across the continent!
Moses and Felix needed to be a little more cooperative in helping you do clean up duty, I think. Also, I'm thinking you could use a dog at the hospital.
And just how many hours can you actually work in a row??
That is a "Drama in Real Life" waiting to happen.
Ty' shirt really does say it all. What a full couple of weeks... Sorry no one came to your house while it stood alone, perfectly clean. At least you werent cleaning vomit there... that smell tends to stick around for new noses to sniff.
Love your last line. I laughed out loud.
Hang in there Ang! I'll be praying for you guys that your house sells soon.
Hang in there Ang! I'll be praying for you guys that your house sells soon.
Aw Ang! I have been wondering what you have been up to! Not a ton of fun it sounds like. When you are all vomit free, I would love to see you soon:) Hang in there, vomit doesn't last forever...right??
"Thursday night March 27th Ty threw up in the car all over himself. Hosed off him and the carseat, went to work and hosed off a drunk who'd urinated all over himself while screaming profanities at me."
When I read this I remembered a scene from Black Hawk Down when they had to hose down a Hummer and then go back into the city and a scene from ER.
Then I thought, "Wow, that's what their life has been like. A war zone and ER episode." Poor little dude. Poor mama. Yuck!
Grace and peace of Christ to you.
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