We decided to go to the zoo a few days ago for $2 Tuesday. We never got there. Here's the rundown of our insane Tuesday that cost just a tad more than $2:
- 10:28am: picked up umbrella stroller from G&G Alcorn's house, kids are practically wetting their pants in excitement

- 10:35: filled up with gas at Safeway (less than $50!! Who knew that would ever be exciting)
- 11:00: arrived at Lloyd Center to buy new shoes for Dan and drop off the car to take MAX to the zoo
- 11:10: found shoes Dan wanted (on sale, the day is lookin' good so far)
- 11:11: guy looking for 2nd shoe in the pair that Dan wanted (one was the display)
- 11:15: guy still looking for Dan's shoe, kids getting restless
- 11:20: guy still looking for Dan's shoe, kids are starting to pull the clothes off of nearby manikins
- 11:21: guy asks another clerk to help him find Dan's shoe, Ang getting restless
- 11:21 and 20 seconds: other clerk promptly found Dan's other shoe. Direct quotation from Ty, "That guy is SOOOO nice, mama." My thoughts exactly.
- 11:25: off to the food court for some lunch
- 11:35: Beef & broccoli juice comes pouring out of Ty's mouth because of his enormous attempt at a bite, and slides down his shirt, his elbows and onto his shorts
- 12:00: off to the MAX station to ride the train to the zoo, Jake is so excited he can barely contain himself
- 12:08: MAX takes us to the Steel Bridge which is being renovated for a new train line, thus is closed, thus we have to get off MAX, and thus take a Tri-Met bus filled with 194 sweaty people across the another bridge, thus getting on another MAX train that is across the river in order to make 29 stops in downtown Portland, thus finally making it the zoo, thus Dan and I are so excited we can barely contain ourselves (insert sarcasm here)
- 12:55: we finally get off MAX and ride up the elevator where it opens to reveal to us...approximately 5690 people in a line that is (not joking this time) over 1/4 mile long just to enter the zoo
- 12:55 and 10 seconds: no possible way we're getting in that line
- 12:56: we walk down to the Children's Museum and pay more than $2 a person because we don't have the heart to tell our overly excited children we have to go home
- 2:20: we leave the museum with exhausted but happy children to start the MAX, bus, MAX, car ride home
- 3:05: we get into our car to drive home, Ty has definitely had enough
- 3:06: both kids are snoring
Jake's sleeping position is hilarious. What a day. all that, and nearly 100 degree heat. nice timing.
I was down there, and I feel your pain.
Oh man, I feel ya! I can't believe it was busy at that time--that's my secret time to go. It seems like everyone is leaving for nap time or because they got there so early, which is never the case for us. Looks like my secrets out now!
I loved the pictures. That top picture of the boys is excellent, also the one where they are both sleeping.
I guess I just go around critiqueing people's family photos.
Eh, its a job. What are ya gonna do?
oh Ang. that is harsh! what a nightmare. you probably know this, but another option (for free) is the playground at Washington Park. It's huge and really fun..just down the hill from the Rose Gardens, a shuttle away from the Zoo. Anyway, you probably know that just thought I'd throw it out there. We went to the Zoo last summer when I was prego and it was Washington's spring break (who would have known) and the Zoo was so busy you had to park in a parking lot a mile away and take SCHOOL BUS shuttles to the Zoo, I'm not kidding..the line to get on the busses was 1 mile long. It was depressing, we ended up at another park. Wow, this is a long comment. It was good to run into you yesterday!! love ya
We're going to 4 zoos in 4 days next week. Here's praying we have a better experience than you! (and what's the name of your zoo so I can avoid it on Tuesdays?)
Your boys are so cute. Love the last pic!
Wow, that is not fun! I'm glad you all ended up having a good time even though things didn't go as planned! Does the children's museum have AC? Did you at least have that going for you?
You're quite the detective, finding my blog and all. Now you just have to add me to your list of People Who Make Me Smile. :)
Have a great week!!
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