My first foggy memory of this morning (post sunrise, though I do have some whoppers from the wee hours in the ER) was hearing Jake and Ty stampede down the hall to my bedroom and burst through my door. I'm pretty sure I didn't open my eyes, except to look at my alarm clock--huge red numbers screaming at me "7:17." I told the boys to go downstairs and whip up a gourmet breakfast for themselves and read the encyclopedia...or maybe it was to go get a granola bar from the cupboard and watch TV until next year sometime, I can't quite recall.
From 7:17 on, I woke up approximately every 10 or 11 seconds to various noises. The kids would come in and ask me questions, to which I gave insightful answers such as "mmff" and "huumh." Ty jumped on my bed multiple times. Felix also made himself at home on my bed, dropping a soggy rawhide bone on my face. At one point part of my right ear was folded underneath my head, and I remember being a little angry about that, but not angry enough to roll my head to the other side.
So what was it that pulled me out of bed? Thank goodness it wasn't the ear piercing screams that come before trips back to the ER. It was Jake's comment, "Mom, the granola bars are gone and I'm still hungry." Wait, the granola bars are gone? I just bought granola bars. "Jake, how many did you eat?"
"Um, four I think." Indeed. "I think Ty had 3." Indeed again. Here were the first things I saw after dragging myself out of bed:

Know what my first thought was? God bless those Quakers for giving me an extra hour and a half of sleep this morning.
Love it! Can't wait to squeeze those boys!
Don't tell me those granola bar wrappers were not spread all over the floor. Were they REALLY all piled up on your kitchen countertop?
Anyway, been there. Everything down to the infuriating folded over ear.
Bah ha ha!!
Oh, you poor dear. I do the same thing--"turn on the TV and scour the cupboard for snacks! And leave me alone!!"
I'm sure these are the times you are most thankful Jake can use the remote. You probably wouldn't have even cared if he was watching Hannah Montana while Ty was in the corner drinking his beer:) Sometimes sleep just comes first! Hope you get better sleep tonight!
HA! Ang, you just make me laugh. I absolutely love reading your blog :) I laughed through this entire post - usually I'm laughing because I've totally felt what you're describing... you just have such a great way with words. I just love it. And p.s. your boys are adorable. And p.s.s I hope it's not completely freaky that I read your blog and call you "Ang" and we've never met...hopefully the whole I'm-cousins-with-your-husband-thing fixes that... :)! enough said. i need an ang fix. miss you friend! after mom to mom week is over i vote for a playdate:)
Oh I just don't know how you do it! My poor old body requires too much sleep. Just remember, there will be a day (maybe not soon enough) that they will let you sleep.
You'll have to teach them how to fry eggs. A little protein with the carbs. Loved it!! Melanie B.
That's the equivalent of an adult eating twenty-something granola bars. Myself, I usually stop at fifteen.
Fortunate you didn't have five boxes of granola bars. No way to know when they would have stopped. Love you and those boys.
Oh Ang, you are the best! I think you are awesome, and I think it speaks for itself that the worst thing that happened was your kids ate a box of granola bars. If you think about it, it could have been worse. WAY worse.
Bless your heart! I too have many mornings in which I wish my two year old would actually sleep in.
By the way, I found your blog from the Top 100 Christian Blogs list.
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